Oscar Montaño, Inc. focuses on the following areas:
Auto Finance: For over twenty years we have found key executives for the auto finance industry. Our placements have ranged from the President/CEO to the mid level manager range. This has often included hard-to-find technical executives in sales/marketing, risk, credit and collections. We have worked extensively with domestic and offshore automotive captive finance companies, domestic and international financial institutions in the auto finance space, and subprime and other specialty auto finance companies. We assist venture capital and private equity firms in selecting the best candidates to manage and build emerging companies or turnaround ventures in auto finance.
After-Sale Segment: Paralleling our work in auto finance we have worked in the dynamic after-sale market of the auto industry. We have conducted successful searches with insurance companies, warranty companies, remarketing and auction groups throughout the country. We have worked with independent and institutional clients, both domestic and international. Our affiliations greatly assist us in this segment.
Vendor Companies: Oscar Montaño, Inc. has cultivated search relationships with various vendors and suppliers to the auto finance and after-sale segments. This has included corporate management and regional management nationally. We have also acted as a bridge from vendor to client as a result of our continuing relationship with both groups.
The firm is also experienced in, and knowledgeable about, the consumer finance industry (credit card, mortgage, consumer loans, etc.) as well as credit unions and community banks.